MNS Gadgets Privacy policy

 “MNS Gadgets” has established the following privacy policy governing the management of user’s personal data within the services offered on this website, referred to as-
“Privacy Policy.” 

Additionally, “MNS Gadgets” has defined its policy concerning returns and refunds provided on this website as-
“Return & Refund Policy.”

These privacy policies, outlined below:

Article 1 (Personal Information)

The term “Personal Information” pertains to information as defined by the Act on the Protection of Personal Information. It includes details about individuals that can be used to identify specific persons, such as names, birthdates, addresses, phone numbers, contact details, and other descriptors. This also encompasses data related to physical attributes, fingerprints, and voiceprints.

#”Personal information” encompasses data that, on its own, can identify a particular individual, such as names, birthdates, addresses, phone numbers, contact information, or any other descriptors.

Article 2 (Collection Methods for Personal Information):

When a user registers for our services, we may request personal information, including but not limited to name, date of birth, address, telephone number, email address, bank account number, and credit card details. Additionally, this may encompass transaction records and payment details, including the user’s personal information, in interactions between the user and our partners, which include information providers, advertisers, and distributors of advertisements.

Article 3 (Purposes for Collecting and Using Personal Information):

We collect and utilize personal information for the following purposes:

1. Providing and managing our services.

2. Responding to user inquiries, including user identification.

3. Sending email notifications about new features, updates, promotions, and other relevant information regarding the service the user is utilizing, as well as information regarding other services offered by the Company.

4. Contacting users as necessary for maintenance, important notifications, and similar matters.

5. Identifying users who breach our Terms of Use or attempt to use the service for illegal or unethical purposes, and taking measures to deny them access to the service.

6. Allowing users to access, modify, or delete their registration information, as well as view their service usage status.

7. Billing users for paid services.

8. Accomplishing objectives that are incidental to the above-stated purposes of use.

Article 4 (Modification of Purpose of Use):

The Company will only alter the purpose for which personal information is used when it is reasonably determined that the new purpose is related to the original purpose. In the event of such a modification, the Company will inform the User of the revised purpose or publicly announce it on this website, following the Company’s specified procedures.

Article 5 (Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties):

Unless under the circumstances described below, “MNS” will not disclose personal information to third parties without prior user consent, excluding cases permitted by the Personal Information Protection Law and other applicable laws and regulations:

1. When necessary to protect an individual’s life, physical well-being, or property, and obtaining the individual’s consent is difficult.

2. When disclosing personal information is particularly necessary for the improvement of public health or the healthy growth of children, and obtaining the individual’s consent is challenging.

3. When cooperation with a government agency, local authority, or an individual or entity entrusted by such government agency or local authority is necessary for carrying out tasks mandated by law, and obtaining the individual’s consent would hinder the execution of these tasks.

4. When the following information has been notified or disclosed in advance, and when the Personal Information Protection Committee has been notified:

– Purpose of disclosing to a third party.

– Data elements to be disclosed to the third party.

– Means or methods of disclosing to third parties.

– Procedures for terminating the disclosure of personal information to third parties at the request of the individual.

– The process for accepting requests from the individual.

Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the recipient of the relevant information will not be considered a third party under the following circumstances:

(i) When the handling of personal information is outsourced, wholly or partially, within the necessary scope for achieving the intended purpose of use.

(ii) When personal information is disclosed as part of a business succession due to a merger or other reasons.

(iii) When personal information is to be jointly used with a specific individual, and the Company has provided prior notification or made information easily accessible to that individual. This includes details about the personal information to be jointly used, the extent of joint usage, the intended purpose of use by the individual, and the name of the person responsible for managing the personal information.

When a request for personal information disclosure is made by the concerned individual, we will promptly fulfill that request. However, if the disclosure falls under any of the following circumstances, we may choose not to disclose all or part of the information. In such cases, we will promptly notify the individual accordingly. A fee of €20 will be charged for each personal information disclosure request.

– When there is a risk of harm to the life, body, property, or other rights or interests of the individual concerned or a third party.

– If disclosure poses a significant risk of hindrance to the proper operation of our business.

– If it violates any other laws or regulations.

Nevertheless, as a general principle, the Company will not disclose information other than personal information, including historical and characteristic information.

Article 7 (Correction and Deletion of Personal Information):

Should the personal information held by the Company be inaccurate, the User has the right to request corrections, additions, or deletions to their personal information in accordance with the Company’s established procedures. In response to such requests, necessary corrections or modifications to the relevant personal information will be made without undue delay.

Upon making corrections or opting not to make them based on the preceding paragraph, the Company will promptly notify the User of its decision.

Article 8 (Suspension of Use of Personal Information, etc.):

In cases where the User requests the cessation of personal information use or its deletion, citing that it has been processed beyond the scope of the intended use or acquired by unlawful means, the Company will immediately cease the use of such personal information. Furthermore, if the User requests the suspension of personal information use or its deletion for the same reasons, we will conduct the requisite investigation without undue delay.

Following the investigation described in the preceding paragraph, if we conclude that compliance with the request is necessary, we will promptly suspend the use of the relevant personal information.

In cases where the suspension of personal information use entails substantial costs or is otherwise impractical, and alternative measures can safeguard the User’s rights and interests, we may choose such alternative measures instead, as long as the User is promptly informed of this decision.
Article 9 (Modifications to Privacy Policy):
The information within this Privacy Policy may be altered without prior notification to the User, unless stipulated otherwise by applicable laws or regulations. Unless explicitly stated by the Company, any updated Privacy Policy will become effective as soon as it is published on the website.
Article 10 (Contact for Questions):
For any inquiries concerning this policy, please direct your correspondence to the following address.

MNS Gadgets
Wouter Haecklaan 7
Deurne 2100
Antwerp, Belgium

Contact Us

PHONE : +32 3 291 33 38


Deurne, Antwerpen , 2100

MON – FRI   :  9:30:00am – 3:00pm
Saturday     10:00am – 3:00pm
Sunday       :  Closed

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